10 Year Anniversary Party!

To celebrate 10 years of Darren Oldfield Architects we held an anniversary party at Studio Z Brixton last month. And we had a secret to unveil… our new identity and brand: DO+CO!

We exhibited some of our recent work and announced our exciting rebranding news to 100 of our closest friends, clients and collaborators. It was an amazing night filled with joy and laughter!

Thank you to Ciaran Farrell for the wonderful entertainment.

Thank you to the DO+CO team who helped with the party planning and setting up of the exhibition!

Thank you to everyone who came. Your support on the night and over the past ten years has been so greatly appreciated.

Finally, thank you to Yellow Bird Photography for the beautiful photos Elle took on the night.

Here’s to the next 10 years of DO+CO 🥂🍾


Calling all Part II architectural assistants! We are hiring…


We Are DO+CO!!!